✓ Translucent resin that can formulate coatings of skid-resistant, porous and decorative floors.
✓ Draining capacity from 20 to 40 L/second/m² (varies depending on the thickness).
✓ High mechanical performance and high UV resistance (according to the NF EN 196-1 and ISO11341
✓ Applicable from 5°C to 40°C and 30% to 90% relative humidity
✓ Can be applied in private estates on the paths, around swimming-pools and terraces (compacted gravel and
concrete substrate).
✓ Can be applied to carriage ways with private light vehicle and heavy vehicle traffic.
✓ Platform substrate: sub-base + base course with compacted gravel (untreated gravel EN 13285 or cement
treated gravel NF EN 14227) compliant with GTR NF – P 11-300.
✓ Concrete slab (compliant with DTU 21/13.3)
✓ Existing sealed or glued tiling (not cracked and cohesive, compliant with DTU 52.1)
The tiling and concrete slab substrates should have a minimum slope of 1.5% for terraces and 2% around
swimming-pools. The platform substrate must have a minimum slope of 1%.
Swimming pool enclosure: it is compulsory to use a fixed rail system or fit the swimming-pool enclosure with
soft wheels to prevent the coating from getting damaged.