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Resineo Drain quartz

High performance resin for quartz porous coating


Nature of the product Hybrid two-component resin-based product
Can be stored for 9 months from the date of manufacture, in its original sealed packaging and indoors between 5°C and 30°C.
Transport Not classified (tested for transport at 60°C for 3 weeks)
Packaging 3 kg kit (1.8 kg of PART A + 1.2 kg of PART B). 12 kg kit (7.2 kg of PART A + 4.8 kg of PART B)
Pot life 1h30 to 3h (varies depending on temperature and humidity).
Opening to private pedestrian flow 24h (varies depending on temperature and humidity).
Opening to private VL / VI traffic 48h (varies depending on the temperature and humidity).


✓ Translucent resin that can formulate coatings of skid-resistant, porous and decorative floors.
✓ Draining capacity from 20 to 40 L/second/m² (varies depending on the thickness).
✓ High mechanical performance and high UV resistance (according to the NF EN 196-1 and ISO11341
✓ Applicable from 5°C to 40°C and 30% to 90% relative humidity
✓ Can be applied in private estates on the paths, around swimming-pools and terraces (compacted gravel and
concrete substrate).
✓ Can be applied to carriage ways with private light vehicle and heavy vehicle traffic.

Permitted Substrates

✓ Platform substrate: sub-base + base course with compacted gravel (untreated gravel EN 13285 or cement
treated gravel NF EN 14227) compliant with GTR NF – P 11-300.
✓ Concrete slab (compliant with DTU 21/13.3)
✓ Existing sealed or glued tiling (not cracked and cohesive, compliant with DTU 52.1)
The tiling and concrete slab substrates should have a minimum slope of 1.5% for terraces and 2% around
swimming-pools. The platform substrate must have a minimum slope of 1%.
Swimming pool enclosure: it is compulsory to use a fixed rail system or fit the swimming-pool enclosure with
soft wheels to prevent the coating from getting damaged.

Consumption, thicknesses and area performance

Aggregates : 25 kg bags with 2.5-5.0mm grain size of washed and dried quartz aggregates.
25 kg bags with 1.0-3.0mm grain size of washed and dried marble aggregates.
Concrete substrate : Minimum 1.0 cm (private pedestrian flow – ResiREV trowelling machine smoothing)
Minimum 1.5 cm (Light and heavy vehicle private traffic – 60cm mechanical trowel)
Tiling substrate : Minimum 1.0 cm (private pedestrian flow – ResiREV trowelling machine smoothing)
Platform substrate : Minimum 3 cm (Light and heavy vehicle private traffic – 60cm mechanical trowel )
Consumptions by m² : One 3 kg kit for 4 x 25 kg bags = 6 m² (1 cm thickness)
One 3 kg kit for 4 x 25 kg bags = 4 m² (1.5 cm thickness)
One 12 kg kit for 16 x 25 kg bags (or 400 kg) = 16 m² (1.5 cm thickness)
One 12 kg kit for 16 x 25 kg bags (or 400 kg) = 8 m² (3 cm thickness)

Conditions for application

✓ Temperature of the substrate and ambient air: +5°C to +40°C.
✓ Humidity of the substrate: dry substrate (no rain for 24h).
✓ Air humidity: between 30% and 90% RH (relative humidity).
✓ Check the absence of precipitation in the 12 hours that follow the work.

We highly recommend InnoResin. They have a very professional team and did a wonderful job. We couldn’t be more satisfied, thank you!
Highly professional team who did a wonderful job !
Beautiful results! Highly recommend the INNO Resin products.
Exclusive distributor in Australia and New Zeland