✓ Two-component epoxy resin in aqueous phase.
✓ Compatible with the hydraulic binder-based substrates (concrete, smooth screed, mortar, etc.)
✓ Adhesion primer preparation for the RESINEO coatings
✓ Resurfacing mortar preparation for the hydraulic binder-based substrates
✓ Concrete screed and concrete slab (compliant with DTU13.3 and 21)
✓ Tiling (not cracked and cohesive, compliant with DTU52.1)
✓ The substrate must have a minimum slope of 1.5% (terrace) to 2% (poolside).
✓ The substrate should be porous: water drop test less than 240 seconds. If the water drop test is less than 60
seconds, consider applying a second coat of primer after the first coat dries.
✓ Check the cohesion of the substrate by tensile adherence according to NF EN 13892-8. If the cohesion of the
substrate is insufficient (less than 1.0 MPa), consider using a grit-blaster to remove the non-cohesive parts.